Our Cause

Welcome to iCANNA, where every purchase becomes a heartfelt gesture toward preserving the beauty of giraffes and turtles/tortoises. Leading our charge is Sam, a person whose passion for these endangered creatures runs as deep as the oceans and stretches as high as the African savannah. With every sale, Sam ensures that a portion of our proceeds goes towards safeguarding the habitats of these gentle giants and resilient reptiles. Beyond the numbers, Sam's dedication is rooted in a profound emotional connection to the plight of these creatures, driving a tireless advocate for their protection. Whether it's sharing their stories through our platform or personally engaging with our community, Sam embodies the empathy and commitment that define our brand. So, when you choose iCANNA, you're not just acquiring a custom product; you're forging a bond with creatures in need, guided by the compassionate spirit of Sam and our entire team.